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时间:2020-10-18 15:23:17    来源:

“Everyone has his/her own Atlantic to fly. Whatever you want very much to do, against the opposition of tradition, neighborhood opinion, and so-called ‘common sense’… that is an Atlantic. I flew the Atlantic because I wanted to. To want in one’s heart to do a thing for its own sake, to enjoy doing it; concentrate all one’s energies upon it… that is not only the surest guarantee of success, it is also being true to oneself.”

— Amelia Earhart, Aviator
「每个人都有他/她自己要飞的大西洋。不管你很想做什么,逆着传统、社区看法、及所谓『常识』的反对… 那就是一个大西洋。我飞越大西洋因为我想要。因事情本身的关系在一个人的心里想做一件事,喜爱做这件事;集中一个人所有的精力在那上面… 那不尽是成功最可靠的保证,这也是忠实于自己。」– 爱蜜莉亚‧厄尔哈特 (飞行员)

Atlantic (n.) 大西洋。against (conj.) 反对,逆着。例:The board voted against the proposal. (董事会投票反对此提案。) opposition (n.) 反对,对立;oppose 则是动词。one (n.) 一个人。for its own sake 因事件本身的关系。例:Fine art is any art created for its own sake, as opposed to commercial artwork. (艺术是因美术所创造出的作品,与商业艺术品对立。) concentrate (v.) 集中,专注。guarantee (n.) 保证。例:The vendor offers a money back guarantee. (此商家提供不满意退费保证。)
在 “whatever you want very much to do” 这个片语里,very much 的位置由最后面插到前面,是较少见的用法。在 “to want in one’s heart to do a thing” 这个片语里,in one’s heart 插入 to want to do a thing 中间。
爱蜜莉亚‧厄尔哈特 (1897-1939) 为美国著名女飞行员,创下许多飞行纪录,包括第一位独自横越大西洋的女飞行员。她的飞行经历著作成为美国的畅销书,另外她也协助建立女飞行员组织并投入女权运动。

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