“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.”
— Ralph Waldo Emerson, Poet
「对于来到你身边的每件好事培养感恩的习惯,并持续的感谢。因为所有的事皆促成你的进展,你的感恩应包含所有的事。」– 拉尔夫‧爱默生 (诗人)
“cultivate” 是「栽培;培养」,为动词。”grateful” 是「怀感谢的」,为形容词,如:I am so grateful that I live in this beautiful country. (我很感谢我住在这美丽的国家。) “gratitude” 是「感谢之情」,为名词,如:She accepted his gift with gratitude. (她心怀感谢的接受了他的礼物。) “contribute” 是「贡献」,为动词。”advancement” 是「进步;提升」,为名词。
拉尔夫‧爱默生 (1803-1882) 为美国思想家、演说家、作家及诗人,借由演说及发表文章在 19 世纪领导美国的「超验主义」运动 (Transcendentalism movement),主张一种理想的精神状态会超越 (transcend) 人的肉体及经验,且是借由直觉而不是宗教来达成,对美国文化有深远的影响。